SHANG XIA's brand philosophy is represented by contrast and connection between east and west, tradition and innovation, digital and physical, Duality is the core value. It is embedded in its name: ‘Shang’ means ‘up’ and ‘Xia’ means ‘down’. SHANG XIA has therefore always embodied a style, a culture and a way of being that is made of contrasts, an idea that is true both to the roots of its Chinese heritage but also to the nature of the world we live in today.

SHANG XIA上下从诞生之日起,品牌始终以现代与革新的设计创造独具传承的中国生活方式,“上”与“下”的对立共生,构成SHANG XIA上下之名,在多元与本真中蕴含着品牌的核心价值。由此,SHANG XIA上下同样代表了一种从对立与和谐中诞生的风格和文化,深植于中国传承之中,而又真实地反映着我们当下所处的世界。SHANG XIA上下用品牌哲学开创了一道“任意门”,在对立统一中连接起传统和创新、线下和线上、中国和西方、过去和未来、哲思和自然、团圆和狂欢……这种精神,为SHANG XIA上下产品注入源源不断的灵感,从家居,家具,茶到成衣、皮具和配饰等品类。